ISO 13485

Let’s Build Your Medical-Grade Factory With Us!




You pay “per project”, not “per man-day”. It's transparent. No surprise fee


Let's do it RIGHT from the beginning (plant layout, space, machinery, air-ventilation, water system and etc)


We help to apply the Establishment License and Product License

We can guide

Clear Workflow

Step 1: Get ISO13485 Certified

Step 1.1
1. If you are a Brand Owner (OEM) or a Full Manufacturer
2. On your production line and plant layout
Step 1.2: Get audited by CAB (external auditor)

Step 2: Establishment License (With MDA)

Applying for Manufacturer License

Step 3: Product License (With MDA)

Clarify if your product falls under Class A, B, C or D.

Step 4: Let's Rock The Market!

You can now start selling it!

We can guide

Fee and Duration

Step 1: Get ISO13485 Certified (estimated 2 months)

Step 1.1 (Consultation fee) :
1. Brand Owner (OEM) : RM12,000 + 8% SST
2. Manufacturer : RM19,000 + 8% SST
Step 1.2 (Audit fee) : pls refer to the FAQ below, Q2.

Step 2: Establishment License (estimated 1 month)

Step 2.1 (Consultation fee) : inclusive
Step 2.2 (MDA Establishment License fee) : RM4250

Step 3: Product License

Step 3.1 (Consultation fee) :
1. Class A: RM1500 + 8% SST / device (estimated 1 month to get MDA approval)
2. Class B: RM3500 + 8% SST / device (estimated 3 months to get MDA approval)
3. Class C: RM3500 + 8% SST / device (estimated 6 months to get MDA approval)
4. Class D: RM3500 + 8% SST / device (estimated 7 months to get MDA approval)
Step 3.2 (MDA Product License fee) : pls refer to FAQ 3

Conclusion For Fee Structure

YEN (Consultant)

You pay YEN for:

  1. Consultation fee to get ISO 13485
  2. Consultation fee for Medical-Device-Registration to get Product License with MDA

CAB (Auditor)

You pay CAB for:

  1. Audit fee for your ISO13485 certificate
  2. Audit fee for product that falls under Class B, C, D 

MDA (Authority)

You pay MDA for:

  1. Establishment License fee
  2. Product License fee

We Don't Just Consult, But Also Build IR4.0 Factory That Lasts For You

We can consult on your production layout, design, build and maintain for you.





Clear Your Doubts

Nope, as it’s charged by another 3rd party independent audit firm. 

For Brand Owner (OEM):

1st year: RM10,000

2nd & 3rd year: RM6,000

4th year (re-cert year): RM10,000

For Full Manufacturer:

1st year: RM10,000

2nd & 3rd year: RM6,000

4th year (re-cert year): RM10,000

Class A: RM100

Application fee + License Fee

Class B: RM250 + RM1000 = RM1250

Class C: RM500 + RM2000 = RM2500

Class D: RM750 + RM3000 = RM3750 

For ISO 13485: every year

For Establishment License: 3 years

For Product License: 5 years 

  1. Awareness training 
  2. Internal audit training
  3. Documentation 
  4. Management review 

Yes we do. You can come back to us when you are going for 2nd year audit. 

Fee: RM5,900 + 8% SST / project

Duration: 3 days / project 

Maintenance package is inclusive of: 

a) review the readiness of the “documentation for audit” for the upcoming assessment

b) assist on reflecting any changes / amendment that is necessary for documentation and process

c) advise / rectify any issue arise from previous assessment internally/externally

d) assist on conducting the internal audit

e) coordinate the audit between client & CAB

f) assist on replying NC (if any) followed with the Corrective Action implementation

Yes we do. You can come to us for this service. 

Fee: RM5,000 + 8% SST / project

Duration: Estimated 1 – 2 month 

Yes we do. You can come to us for this service. 

1. Class A: RM1500 + 8% SST

2. Class B, C, D: RM2500 + 8% SST 

Upon confirmation and pay 10 days before the commencement: 

  • Step 1: Pay for ISO13485 Consultation 
  • Step 2: Pay for Medical Device Registration Consultation

PS: Travelling allowance will be bare by client for out-of-Klang Valley consultation project.

Yes we can. Let’s speak further on this. 

WhatsApp us at 0175709263 or fill up the form here 

“I’m JULIAN SAIK WENG KONG , Executive Director of AZ GROUP OF COMPANIES. What I like about Yen Premium Coach is  the consistent efforts and support throughout our whole process of obtaining the ISO 13485: 2016 quality standards certifications. The consultants are very professional and knowledgeable in our nature of business as well. The whole process took us less than 3 months and the management is very pleased with the efficiency from YEN Premium Coach. 

Mr Julian Saik Weng Kong

Executive Director of AZ GROUP OF COMPANIES

Let's Build A Sustainable Business With Us!

Reducing Global Warming By 1.5°C Through ISO & IR4.0